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BoldMove unveils Spinfinity family coaster

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BoldMove Nation has unveiled its latest creation, entering the world of family coasters with their new Spinfinity Coaster.

Offering a cross-generational experience geared up ‘for a ride that even mum likes,’ Spinfinity mixes the best of both worlds of immersivity and excitement through a coaster laced with dark elements, 50% being coaster driven and the other 50% being dark ride. The ride emerges as a natural transition from BoldMove’s dark ride expertise, marked by high-quality theming and storytelling in 360-degree universes.

Spinfinity Coaster is the result of a collaboration between the creative ride experts of BoldMove and the technical engineers of E&S Rides. The two companies signed an agreement last April to collaborate together combining engineering and creative expertise – a breakthrough collaboration inspiring a new and fresh approach to family rides.

BoldMove ‘s CEO & Captain of Creative Minds Benoit Cornet pioneered interactive theatres and media dark rides for 25 years, recently topped by the multiple awarded Champi’Folies interactive family dark ride in Le PAL, France. “We like to spice up the classical attraction formulas by using a bold recipe that mixes proven ingredients in a special way together, adding a creative topping to finish it off. This way we give our customers a very unique and new flavour without taking any risks. 

“With the Spinfinity Coaster we apply multi-layered dark ride theming and storytelling principles into a new breed of attractions.”

Cornet also confirmed as the ride’s press conference that Spinfinity has already received interest from prospective clients of parks when in discussions at IAAPA Expo Asia.

Based on BoldMove’s creative ride concepts, the E&S team handles all technical and engineering aspects of Spinfinity Coaster. The seasoned team brings more than 10 years of ride engineering expertise, applied in projects for Compagnie des Alpes, Looping Group, and a Paris-based park with a mouse. They have worked with top tier European manufacturers and the E&S creative engineering approach was recently nominated for product innovation.

The compact and dense design of the Spinfinity Coaster (with a 500sq. m track layout) allows for an easy integration in existing park areas or empty buildings. BoldMove explains that its efficiently designed structure does not require heavy infrastructural works and enables a fast and smooth construction. The ride comes with an investment of £2m for prospective clients, according to BoldMove.

Operation and maintenance are restricted to an absolute minimum to avoid downtime and entertain over 500 visitors per hour during high season. As a family friendly attraction, vehicles will easily fill up with family members or friends teaming up.

Spinfinity Coaster features smartly themed vehicles where riders are facing each other and thus fully share experiences, in the moment and with each other. They can enjoy a unique mix of coaster thrill effects with boomerang and shuttle movements, alongside an indoor themed media experience with multiple scenarios each time the train passes by. This encourages repeatability as each ride experience will be different and entails surprising elements. 

The Spinfinity Coaster experience starts with an impressively themed outdoor area and loading station, that makes waiting worthwhile and is important towards the ride experience as it builds up expectations.

Visitors embarking the Spinfinity Coaster will get “surprised and thrilled throughout the entire ride,” according to its manufacturers. They will see, feel and experience sensations triggered by special twists, spins and turns, as well as stunning media projections. Even the vehicles come to live with special hologram projections, while special effects are fully aligned with the thrill experience from start till end.

Extensive theming starts at the loading station and continues throughout the ride so the visitors get fully immersed into the story up to the very end. To fit each venue and visitor preferences, a bespoke theme can be developed by BoldMove’s creative team for outdoor, vehicle and indoor media content. This could be decorated in steampunk, goldmine, pirates or other ideas as per Cornet. The ride is ideally suited to accommodate a preshow and shop with merchandising.

Sébastien Challard, co-Founder of E&S Rides, comments: “Combining our engineering skills with BoldMove’s creativity resulted very naturally in an unequalled family coaster with surprising twists and turns. We are very proud of the result, it’s a real pleasure to share our passion and reinforce each other.”

Family, compact, budget and repeatability: The core values of Spinfinity Coaster, which promises to be the next line of innovative roller coaster models, as Benoit Cornet concludes: “We are truly excited with this next logical step in our roadmap to creating happy worlds. It marks another important milestone and opens tremendous opportunities for regional parks to offer their visitors unique ride experiences. We look forward to an exciting and successful venture with our partner E&S Rides!”

Images: BoldMove

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