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Zip World creates tourism boom in Wales

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Outdoor adventurists Zip World has nourished the tourism market in Wales since its inception to the tune of £941m.

In the 10 years since Zip World has been established, a report from North Wales Tourism has confirmed the tourism boom which Zip World has created for the local economy,

“We’re incredibly proud of our contribution to economic regeneration in Wales, and this report underscores the impact we’ve had and will continue to have,” said Andrew Hudson, chief executive at Zip World.

“Our ambition has always been to create long-term jobs and to support the wider economy of our local communities.”

Zip World’s expansion plans and overseeing existing attractions are supported by the Welsh and UK Governments respectively.

“Zip World is a North Wales home-grown company who have gone from strength to strength, and it’s great to see the impact they are having,” commented Cabinet secretary for economy, energy and Welsh Language, Jeremy Miles.

Meanwhile, Jim Jones, chief executive of North Wales Tourism, stated: “Zip World has been the catalyst to the branding of North Wales as the Adventure Capital of Europe, and the company remains steadfast in its mission to not only thrill visitors but also to enrich and empower our Welsh communities.”

Image: Zip World

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