Sacoa, providers of innovative cashless systems, have introduced a tool package to help attraction operators maintain a safe reopening of sites.

The tool package will help venues comply with required safety and sanitisation measures, which will, in turn, help build visitor confidence.

The tools comprise of the online sales module, which provides a quick and simple online credit charge.

The Sacoa mobile app, enables sites to establish long-lasting relationships with customers who are rewarded for their loyalty though reward points. By storing information on visitors via the app, sites can keep customers updated about venue-related news and promotions.

Another Sacoa feature is the online event booking module. The module is designed to help sites avoid idle capacity with online bookings. All attractions can be booked with flexible methods of charging. This 100% customisable platform enables operators to boost creativity and arrange all kinds of events.

Another feature designed to help attractions sites implement a safe and secure reopening, is the attractions planning tool. Operators can organise in advance their customers’ visits according to the times and dates they select.

Theme parks and other sites can also benefit from Sacoa’s kit of graphic solutions about security. The free graphic visualises information on certain measures sites should be considering to help prevent the spread of the virus at their facilities. The graphic can be customised with logos of the park and set in a printable format.