A Christmas themed amusement park brimming with festive lights, fake snow, ice-skating, exhilarating shows and more, is coming to Guadalajara in western Mexico.

Known as ‘Navidalia,’ the theme park is divided into four Xmas-inspired worlds, each playing host to much-loved Christmas traditions from around the world.

One key highlight of the theme park will be the recreation of Baby Jesus’s birthplace in Bethlehem. One of the worlds at the park is to feature the three wise men, known as ‘Los Reyes Magos’ in Mexican. Another world will celebrate the festive traditions of Europe and another will recreate the customs of the Middle East.

At the heart of the Christmas amusement park will be a giant nativity scene, a huge Christmas tree and an ice road designed for ice-skating around the park. Another focal point will be a large lake, where boat rides and dance shows will take place.