Apple Industries have announced an exclusive licensing arrangement with the hugely popular NASCAR auto racing entertainment brand. 

At a presentation event at IAAPA Expo, Keynote speaker Cole McGinnis, senior manager of Licensing and Consumer Products for NASCAR, gave guests an in-depth look at the racing giant’s marketing strategy as it celebrates its 75th anniversary in 2023. 

At the core is a broadening of the brand to bring in new fans by expanding into streetwear, entertainment venues and even arcade games. He says independent research has shown that NASCAR fans are #1 in brand loyalty among the professional sports leagues in the U.S. 

“The brand is in a good place,” said McGinnis. “It’s going beyond the traditional NASCAR to become a lifestyle brand.”

“We are always looking for famous brands that are expanding,” said Apple President Scott Avery. 

“With NASCAR, we are leveraging the horsepower of a multi-billion-dollar IP brand so that as they accelerate, we gain momentum as well. It’s like “drafting” in stock car racing and it’s a win-win for both brands.”

Image: Apple Industries