Atrax, Turkey's first and only international amusement, attractions and parks industry and services exhibition, has been deemed a resounding success in its second year.

The show, which took place at the Istanbul Expo Centre on December 5-7 attracted 8,150 delegates from around the world.

"Bringing together, the leading amusement business investors of the world, game and equipment manufacturers, touristic business owners, officials of municipal offices and architects, Atrax 2013, was the meeting point for all areas of the amusement sector ranging from municipal parks and hotel amusement areas to theme parks and shopping mall amusement areas," event organisers Attraktion said this week.

"Having grown bigger compared to its first year, Atrax 2013 featured 183 participant companies representing 370 brands that included the dealerships for the world's leading amusement brands from 24 countries."