To celebrate a decade since space shuttle Atlantis began her new mission of continued education and inspiration at Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex, guests were invited to commemorate the anniversary this past week by attending a live panel featuring veteran NASA astronauts.
In all, there were two live, in-person which attendees heard firsthand mission memories from NASA astronauts, including a few who flew on Atlantis. The astronauts answered pre-submitted questions from the public as part of the discussion. Questions were submitted via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using #Atlantis10.
The NASA astronauts participating included Richard “Mike” Mullane, Anna Fisher, William “Bill” Shepard, U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame member, Guy Gardner, Mike Baker, Jim Reilly and Chris Ferguson, Boeing Crewed Flight Test and U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame member.
Guests in attendance could also take the time to marvel at Space Shuttle Atlantis® and explore more than 60 interactive exhibits celebrating the history, technology, and impact of NASA’s Space Shuttle program.
Image: NASA