Legoland Florida is opening a new world of pure play and creativity known as ‘Planet Legoland’. The world will invite children and parents to use their imaginations in building, unbuilding and rebuilding with Lego bricks.

At Planet Legoland’s entrance is a six-foot-wide Lego globe built from more than 200,000 bricks. Guests can choose to build creations in any of four themed stations. A castle spaceship made from Lego is positioned on a table inspired by princesses, knights and dragons.

Other Lego masterpieces on display in the new world include a surfing dragon at the Vehicles station, a pirate ship with a lightbulb mask and a racing tortoise at the Creatures and Animals station.

Rex Jackson, president of Legoland Florida Resort, commented: “During the past 12 months, we’ve all learned how resilient and creative our children are. They can play out stories, discover details and feel the sense of accomplishment when they build and play with Lego.

“With Planet Legoland, there are no rules, just unlimited creativity, empowering children to make the world a brighter place,” Jackson added.

A Duplo station is also available at Planet Legoland for younger guests.