Tivoli Gardens reaches a milestone moment in its history this summer. The park is about to celebrate 180 years since its founder, Georg Carstensen, first welcomed visitors to the gardens on the very first opening day. 

Fast forward to now and Tivoli Gardens has become Danish cultural heritage and the nation’s biggest tourist attraction.

Naturally, the park are celebrating the anniversary celebration, which will last from 14 to 20 August and will cover entertainment offerings as well as anniversary deals.

On the park’s actual anniversary day, 15 August, there will be celebratory concerts. 

CEO of Tivoli Gardens, Susanne Mørk Koch, adds further details: “Many people from Denmark and abroad have their very own fond memories of Tivoli Gardens, and over the generations the amusement park, which opened in 1843, has received many visitors. 

“Tivoli Gardens’ DNA has always been for everyone to share, and we look forward to offering all our guests a host of extra experiences during the anniversary. The festive programme extends over several days, where together with our visitors we will pay tribute to all the good old classical traditions as well as the innovations that have ensured Tivoli Gardens’ existence for 180 years.”

Image: Tivoli Gardens