Holovis Attractions is demonstrating Pocket RideView at this year's Euro Attractions Show, which takes place in Sweden this week.

The system combines the company's e-ticket attraction design prowess and content creation expertise, fronted by its growing Holovis Media division.

Pocket RideView brings the features of the established RideView virtual reality design suite, which allows creative and technical teams explore their designs in 1:1 scale and real time traditionally in a CAVE environment, on to any mobile device deploying the latest augmented reality capabilities.

Stuart Hetherington, CEO of Holovis explained: "This solution takes the dark ride and attraction development review process to a whole new level of functionality, allowing teams to be immersed in their creations from anywhere in the world."

"By bringing projects to life in this highly accurate augmented reality, it allows groups to analyse their work at a much more detailed level, with the digital assets brought to life creating an immersive intensity that connects them to the ride experience, speeding up the design process, improving accuracy and reducing costs."