Gröna Lund will go back to the future as it announces the first building permit applications for its Fairgrounds pavilion.

“Our vision is to merge the past with the future and breathe life into the spirit of innovation and optimism that characterised the end of the 19th century,” said Gröna Lund.

“We aim to create a fair where joy and futuristic faith permeate every corner, for all ages.” 

“Gröna Lund’s new area will draw inspiration from bygone times and specifically the Stockholm exhibition that took place in the same place in 1897,” commented Christer Fogelmarck, CEO of Parks and Resorts.

“The historical connection will characterise the architecture, but we also want to focus on the positive spirit and inventiveness that the era was characterized by. Our vision is for the area to become an oasis of experiences, entertainment, food and magical environments. We want to create a place where all guests can feel joy and faith in the future, something we need now more than ever.”

The Stockholm exhibitors harks back to an era where technological innovations included the automobile, the milk separator, electric lighting and moving pictures as well as industrially produced foods such as hot dogs and ice cream. 

Its success heralded Stockholm and Sweden’s biggest exhibition in its history with 1.5 million people coming to the 

Fast forward to now and Gröna Lund will welcome visitors once again to this illustrious entertainment pavilion, this time with roller coasters and other attractions.

According to artist impressions, a new attraction adorned with a golden track will be created as well as housing a grandiose fountain and elegant plazas.

Images: Grona Lund